Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day to All the Mean Mothers........

Hi Everyone!

I can't believe its been a month since my last post! Sorry I've been is starting to get back to normal again. I have some updates on Lindsey and I, but I'll fill you all in on that in a couple days once I have some appointments and test results early this week. Today I just wanted to make a quick shout out to all my Mommy friends and family and wish them a Happy Mothers Day!

Believe it or not, I was called a Mean Mother my 10 year old. He's at that stage in life (we all go through) where he thinks he knows everything and I'm clueless. And he thinks I do things just to be mean. We were  playing outside on this gorgeous sunny day, and a couple of kids Ty and Linds know from school come whizzing down the middle of our fairly busy street (which is a small hill) on bikes, with no helmets on, and no hands on the handlebars. Tyler and Lindsey immediatley start asking if they can ride their bikes or scooters in the road, and why do they have to wear helmets? As I tried to explain my reasoning, Tyler got aggrivated and stomping off saying I was a just a mean mom.

What I was trying to explain, was that the reasons I wouldn't let them do such a thing, was because I LOVED my kids and didn't want them falling and cracking their heads open, or getting hit by a car, or worse. I was actually saying "no" because I was a GOOD mother and I cared enough about them to try and prevent them getting hurt...but he didn't stick around to hear that. He just thinks I'm plain old mean.

I remember when I was a teenager I used to think my Mom was so mean too. Some of my friends were allowed to stay out really late at night, have boys in their rooms, drive their bikes to the drug store, or go to dance clubs. I wasn't allowed to do any of  the above and I felt like I was being treated like such a baby and couldn't understand why she was being so horrible. I swore someday when I had kids, I would be such a cool mom.

In hindsight, she was right (aren't mom's always?) and I'll be just as mean when Ty and Linds are teenagers. I'm proud to be a mean mom if it means I'm making the right decisions to protect my kids and keep them safe and healthy. Anyone can be a Mom, but it takes someone special to be a "Mean" Mom!

And to my "Mean" Mom....

For the lessons she's taught  me,
For the love and support she's always given me,
For the way she loves my kids,
For  the help she's always willing to give at the drop of a hat,
For the way she takes care of me whether I'm sick or healthy,
For being my BEST friend,
And for being so MEAN when I was growing up...

I love you!!

Tara =0)


  1. You had the meanest mom of all time!! You lucky girl! So glad your doing better, Your children are so lucky to have you as a mom so positive in the face of all your family has been through!! So proud to know you !
