Friday, September 16, 2011

Back to School and Team Whiting!!!

Hi Everyone!!

Its been a couple months, and I'm sorry I haven't blogged sooner, but I was busy enjoying the last month of summer and then getting the kiddos all back to school! I have 3 kids in 3 different schools this year so life just got even crazier for Team Whiting if you can believe it!!

Tyler started middle school and is settling in nicely to the world of  multiple teachers, lockers, bus rides and sitting where ever he wants at lunchtime! Its so cute seeing him walk to the bus stop each morning, since we live so close to the elemenatry school he's never ridden a bus before. And while I worry a little about the bad influences the eighth graders might be on him, and if he knows how to handle a bully, etc, he seems to be thriving and is loving all the exciting things middle school has to offer. He dragged me (and Lindz and Drew) to watch a school soccer game Tuesday afternoon, and was so excited to be there cheering on his school even though he knew no one on the team! I'm so excited to watch him grow and discover all that the future holds for him, He's growing up too fast, but its an adventure I'm loving being a part of. One of my favorite parts of my day are the texts I get around 2pm from Ty on the bus ride home telling me about his day....

Lindsey is having a ball in third grade, she got the same teacher that Tyler had in third grade (whom we adored!) and she has a bunch of friends in her class. She gets "real" letter grades this year and has already promised me straight A's. I believe she can do it we'll see, the challenge is on!

My little buddy Drew started pre-school this year...and while my heart breaks every morning that he skips into school as happy as can be, that he is no longer tucked away safe at home with me, I am so thrilled at how much he loves school, his teachers, and all his new friends. Like Tyler, this is a whole new world for Drew and watching him blossom and thrive in this new phase of his life is such a gift.

I'm just so proud of my babies... and so torn between wanting to freeze them where they are right now and not let them grown any more on me, and looking so forward to seeing them grow, and experience new things, and flourish!

For those wondering how I'm doing health-wise, I'm in a holding pattern right now. Not much new to report. Still on low dose chemo and will be for 6-12 months, still some struggling with fatigue and bone pains, though some days are much better than others. My blood counts/immune system is still not fully back to where it should be, though we're getting there. I'm nervous about cold/flu season since it seems one of the kiddos is ALWAYS sick from Oct-May, so I'm hoping I can avoid it as much as possible..but overall I'm doing really well and I'm sure it won't be long now until I'm totally back to normal!

And Lastly, I have one more thing to share before I sign off....Tyler's hockey team has ordered "Team Whiting" bracelets to sell to raise money for both Cancer (The Jimmy Fund) and The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. They designed the bracelets to have both the light purple (general cancer awareness) and dark purple (Colitis) to represent both mine and  Lindsey's health battles this year. They are selling the bracelets for $5.00 each and will split the proceeds between the two charities in ours and the Team's Name. My family has bought ours and are proudly wearing them! (See my cute models below!) If anyone is interested in helping our team raise money for such great causes, please let me know! You can mail me a check (Made Payable to Channon Leborgne) and let me know how many bracelets you'd like and what sizes (youth and adult) and I'll be happy to mail them off to you!!

Thanks again for all your support and love!!

Tara :0)

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