Hi Friends!
So I've decided that Facebook isn't necessarily the best venue for me to post updates of my ongoing cancer treatments. I mean, don't get me wrong, I adore Facebook, it is one of my favorite leisure activities these days! But for those of us on Facebook, we know that many people feel the need to share WAY to much personal information. And while thats one of the reasons I find Facebook so fascinating and entertaining, I'd rather keep the details of how I'm feeling and the medical stuff I'm going through to a tighter circle of people. Now before you start to tell me that a blog isn't really private either, I am aware of that, but I do feel some responsibility to share my story with others going through POEMS syndrome treatments because there is really so little info/personal experiences out there on the world wide web for those of us newly diagnosed with this disease. And what is out there is really outdated and scary. The few blogs I found have been so helpful to me and have really changed my attitude that not only will I get through the next couple months with no major issues, but that I have a very good chance of having a long and healthy life to both grow old with my husband and continue to love, nurture and aggrivate my children!! So for anyone who is interested in following me throug this journey- friends, family, friends of friends, or whomever else stumbles across this blog, whether you too have POEMS or a loved one does, welcome!
For those of you that are still unsure what exactly POEMS is, here are a couple great links that will explain it way better than I can:
And and some links that explains the Stem Cell Transplant procedure which I'm scheduled to begin on 2/22/20111
And lastly, my doctors have said from the beginning that because I'm so young, and otherwise quite healthy, they have every expectation I will get through this with flying colors. While POEMS is not currently a "cureable" cancer, you can go many years without a relapse and the odds get better every year with new drugs and treatments coming out all the time. Here is link to a survivors story that has given me great hope for a long healthy future!
Thanks for reading, I hope with this blog to be able to keep you all updated through this process! Your support and love has meant the world to Kevin and I and we can't do any of this without you!!
Tara :0)
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